The cult of mastery

There is a saying “anything worth doing is worth doing well”.  OK. That’s nice. But is it really true? I’d say “only sometimes”.  Sometimes it’s false.

Book review: Employment for Individuals with Asperger Syndrome or Non-verbal Learning Disabilities by Yvona Fast

Whether you or your child has AS or NLD, you are probably concerned about employment and career. Parents, even of young children with LD, express concern about what the child will “do” as an adult.

Some thoughts on sequencing

Many LD people have trouble with the sequencing of tasks. One sort of problem is simply remembering what order to do the things we do every day.  Some people suggest putting up signs that say things like: Brush teeth, take shower, dry off, get dressed, pack bookbag …. and so on. If that works for […]

I was interviewed by Understood!

The latest news is that I was interviewed by   You can read the interview here

My book is now available on Amazon

My book Screwed up somehow but not Stupid is now available on Amazon.  It is also available on Barnes and Noble and Powells. (This is the same book as the one on the side of this site, but now in book format). It’s a little bit about me, but mostly about nonverbal learning disabilities and […]

The LDs we don’t know about

The best known learning disability is almost certainly dyslexia. Many have heard of dyscalculia as well (although it did get a red squiggle indicating a misspelling). There’s the LD I have – nonverbal LD – which is even less known.  And there are LDs like dyspraxia. But what about LDs we haven’t discovered yet?

When things don’t match: What’s the real stressor?

People with nonverbal learning disabilities often have problems where it is hard to identify the real cause. When the person is a child, it may be even harder for parents or teachers to identify the real stressor.  NVLDers often don’t know what they have done wrong or what is causing them problems.  This is because […]

Ask the kid!

I hear and see a lot of people asking questions about their child’s behavior without asking the child about the child’s behavior. Now, it is possible that a child does not know why she is acting in a particular way, or what is stressing him out about a particular situation, but surely that is the […]

Bad behavior

Why do kids behave “badly”? (Here, “badly” could mean almost any behavior that most adults find objectionable). Of course, there are multiple reasons. Sometimes they are doing what their peers do – but they have some choice in who their peers are. Other times they are reacting to stress. Nearly all people, kids or adults, […]

My talk at the New Jersey Learning Disability Association – October 19, 2014

The link has slides from my talk at the LDA of New Jersey   Fall2014

“Lazy” is a four letter word. Don’t use it in front of children

I’ve been called lazy a whole lot in my life, almost always by teachers who had no clue.  Sometimes they used the euphemism “does not apply himself”. The best teacher who ever taught me, on the other hand, said I tried harder than almost anyone. But “lazy” is a four letter word. It should never […]

Dreaming small

We are often told to dream big, aim high and so on. But what if we don’t? What if we dream small?   There is a Calvin and Hobbes cartoon (by the way, this is a great comic) in which Calvin asks Hobbes what he would wish for if he could have anything in the […]

Calming down after a hard NLD day

When your child comes home from school he may be exhausted. Even if it was just an ordinary day. Even if other kids come home raring to go. Even if she doesn’t appear exhausted. He may be right at the edge of a meltdown. Why? Because all day long he has been stressed. Stressed by […]

I will be speaking at the LDA of NJ conference in October

On October 19 the LDA of New Jersey will have a conference. The conference goes all day, from 8 to 4.  It will be held at the Livingston Campus Student Center of Rutgers University in Piscataway, NJ. For full directions and registration see I will be speaking from 2:30 to 4. My title is […]